
With years of real estate appraisal experience under her belt, Diana Kanitz is a compelling, spirited, well read and intelligent resource speaker that always hits the sweet spot in speaking commitments. She is dynamic on stage and compassionate towards her fellow appraisers, realtors, as well as other real estate professionals.
As an experienced public speaker, Diana’s presentations are always up-to-date and interactive as she is highly aware of the balance needed to keep people informed and entertained at the same time.  She constantly makes sure to keep things light-hearted and entertaining by injecting a little bit of humor whenever possible because she is well aware of the struggle of sitting in an audience while listening to an “expert” jabber on and on.
Great Value Earned for Time Spent
Attendees are sure to take away unforgettable lessons, as well as learnings of great value from the little time they spend listening to her presentation. By the end of the talk, they will realize how great of an investment they made in attending and that the time they had initially put in was very well spent.
Potential Speaking Topics
  • What does an appraiser do? (Appraisal Basics)
  • How do Appraisers Make Adjustments?
  • FHA Appraisal Guidelines (including most common repair items)
  • How do I prepare for an Appraiser?
  • Tips for Working with an Appraiser
  • How to Challenge a Poor Appraisal
  • What You Can and Can’t Say To an Appraiser (misconceptions)
  • State of The Appraisal Industry (things you need to know)
  • Are all Appraisers Created Equal? (how do you qualify an appraiser?)
  • Local Market Trends (what’s going on in the market?) And MUCH more!